Our Team

Laura Cabrera-Quirós

She is a postodctoral researcher at TU Eindhoven and a guest postdoctoral reseacher in the Pattern Recognition and BioInformatics Group from Delft University of Technology. She received her PhD (2018) from this group in TU Delft, working on automatic social behavior analysis using multimodal streams. She received her ’Licenciatura’ (2012) and Master (2014) degree from the Instituto Tecnologico de Costa Rica. In 2014, she received a full scholarship by the Costa Rican goverment to pursue her postgraduate studies abroad. Her main interest is the use and fusion of wearable sensing and computer vision for applications oriented to analysis of social behavior and health monitoring.

Contact: l.c.cabreraquiros@tudelft.nl


Andrew Demetriou

He is a PhD candidate in the Multimedia Computing group at TU Delft. He completed a research masters in social psychology at VU Amsterdam (2015), with a focus on biological data collection methods, and mate choice/romantic attraction. His research interests include social and romantic bonding, optimal mental/physiological states (e.g. flow, mindfulness), and how music, along with biological and sensor data, can be used to study these phenomena.



Ekin Gedik

He received his bachelor’s (2010) and master’s (2013) degrees from the Middle East Technical University, Turkey. He received his PhD (2018) from the Pattern Recognition and Bioinformatics Group of Delft University of Technology, where he is currently a postdoctoral researcher. His research interests include but are not limited to social behaviour analysis, wearable sensing, affective computing and pattern recognition. He is currently focused on analysis and detection of social behaviours, interaction and their connection to various social phenomena.

Contact: egedik@tudelft.nl


Leander van der Meij

Leander is an Assistant professor at Eindhoven University of Technology since 2016. Between 2013-2016 he was an Assistant professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. He obtained his PhD in neuroscience at the University of Valencia(Spain) and University of Groningen(the Netherlands) in 2012. He studies how hormones may stimulate affiliation or aggression and how it depends on social context.

Contact: L.v.d.Meij@tue.nl


Hayley Hung

Hayley is an Associate Professor in the Pattern Recognition and Bioinformatics group at TU Delft, The Netherlands, since 2013. She is the lead of the Socially Perceptive Computing Lab (SPCLab) at TU Delft. Between 2010-2013, she held a Marie Curie Fellowship at the Intelligent Systems Lab at the University of Amsterdam. Between 2007-2010, she was a post-doctoral researcher at Idiap Research Institute in Switzerland. She obtained her PhD in Computer Vision from Queen Mary University of London in 2007. Her research interests are social computing, social signal processing, computer vision, and machine learning.

Contact: hhung@tudelft.nl